Saturday 20 July 2013

5 Ways You Can Establish Your Personal Brand Online

Branding, one of the most important aspect enabling businesses to differentiate themselves from others to win customers. Likewise, in these competitive times, you need to realize you're no less than a business, if you're trying to generate value for yourself. 

Without going into why is creating you personal brand so important (another potential blog topic), I would like to pin some of the things which one should at least do to make an impact;

1. Set Objectives

Like everything else, evaluate what you would like to achieve from your brand, what would you like to be known for, and who your audience is for each objective! 

While, over time objectives can change, so does your online activities, and they must always be consistent with what you want yourself to be known and respected for!

2. Online Presence

I can't stress more how important it is to think like a business, and get yourself where your customers are, ONLINE!

It's absolutely essential in modern age to create your online presence through social media, work portfolio, blogging or networking.
When your customer, which can be your prospective employer, friend, future partner, whatever your objectives are, look you up online, you should be the first one to appear on search results (just how businesses are trying to achieve with SEOs!)

3. Segment your Content

It's great to be present everywhere, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Blogger, even, but don't, please don't end up writing your blogs on dating website, your dating profile on LinkedIn or your Facebook rants over Twitter!

Customize your content for different audiences, usually your professional expertise on LinkedIn and Blogger while positive personality traits must be echoed on personal Twitter and Facebook profiles (with bedroom skills shared on dating platforms, yes, you're selling yourself everywhere!).

4. Engage and Connect

It's all good having optimized online presence and creating a great impression, however, the best way to communicate this is through effective engagement!

Always remember, social media is not broadcast media, its ENGAGE media that's why it's called social. Broadcasting a great personality and reflecting great value, without connecting with others, is just like going to a high school reunion and sitting in the corner playing with your iPhone 5. Communicate!

Best way to do that is, get involved in groups and topics you have an interest, experience, knowledge or expertise in, and it's easier to do that online than skimming over groups in a reunion to find your old friends.

5. Manage your eFootprints

This is what EVERYONE needs to do! Manage your electronic footprints - wash your hands and delete the evidence, simples!

While it's common sense not to leave behind any content which can negatively affect your brand, it's also important to discover and adopt new platforms quickly. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc are here today, gone tomorrow, and while you're putting your efforts in enhancing your profile there, the world's moving on to bigger and better things!

Tip: Create your own blog, that's your own platform and therefore will always be. Think long term!

This is +Nauman Wasif, tell me what you think....