Wednesday 18 December 2013

10 Things they never told you at University...

Right, the good news is that I am finished with my Masters in MSc Management.
The bad news, welcome to the real world! 

The reality in fact, compared to the university, is very different. A few things which the university didn't bother telling you;

1. There's a special set of skills required to get passed the computer, in the hunt for the graduate job you came to university for! (Forget about teaching you it!)

2. There are no Passes or Merits in real life. If you don't get a Distinction/First Class grade, you don't get paid. Certainly no extensions!

3. Not a single employer will ask you about the time spent at university, while you were enrolled into the university. They'll always ask you about the time spent outside the university gaining work experience. While enrolled at the university!

4. There are no such things as breaks, holidays, vacations or development weeks in real life.

5. The need to network and talk to right people to have any chances of success outside the university gates.

6. No one is interested in what you know or how many sources you've used in your time at university, it's all about who you know and what you've done! That's why they call it "academic," meaning not of practical relevance; of only theoretical interest. That's right!

8. There's no such thing as Word Count in real life. It's either a work of quality or crap.

9. You'll be forgotten as soon as you finish your final assessment... forever!

10. There's no job waiting for you to graduate. If you're not good at looking for one, create one!

Also, no one will penalise you 25% of your final mark for missing out on number 7!

This is Nauman... What do you think?