Friday 18 July 2014

Relocation; Career Lifeline or Suicide?

Getting out of your comfort zone. Fear of unknown. Starting all over again. Leaving everything behind. It's not as it looks like. Costly and lonely. Difficult to adapt! These are all the things people think and say whenever faced with the question of relocation.

It's not all that bad. In fact, it's not bad at all! It's exhilarating! 

This is the third time I have temporarily relocated to a whole new city (country in fact!), thousands of miles away from my last comfort zone. It's the best thing that's ever happened to me!

New city is a new challenge, a new opportunity. People call it struggle, but I call it experience! 'Moving' gives you another shot at life. A new city is a new you, a place where most don't know you and you can be whatever you want! It's a brand new start to your new life and you got two options. First, to accept it as a struggle, and work hard to make your impact while holding on to your roots and adjusting your new world to suit yourself. This approach is a more lonely, but widely used approach where people look back at everything to compare and find positives/negatives of which place is better.

The second approach, however takes a little lighter stance to the situation, where new city is full of fun, people and opportunities waiting to be tapped. Instead of adapting the city to yourself, you adapt yourself to the city, its culture and customs! Instead of appreciating your past and trying to find opportunities (or people) to connect with your past, you try to filter them out to find the locals who've lived in the area all their lives, to learn from them and get involve in what they're doing.

The exact same approaches can be used with your career! You can either continue doing what you were, and find similar like-minded people to work with, because that's what you've been good at and that's your comfort zone. Or, you can enjoy a brand new start to your new life with something you always wanted to do and couldn't, or something which suits best to the environment you're thriving in! Always be open to new ideas, meet new people everyday and observe what's best for the business within that local environment.

Most importantly, a new location gives you another opportunity to avoid the mistakes you did in the past, emulate the successes of people you've been inspired by in your past, in a new setting and give a great first impression to the stakeholders in your new life! 

This is +Nauman Wasif, tell me what you think!

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