Tuesday 14 May 2013

4 Techniques to Get a First in Every Business Assignment

The Winning Formula!

1. Answer the Question
Copy and Paste the assignment brief on Word and split the brief into separate sub-headings. That way, you won't miss out on any part of the question hence compelling the assessor to pass you.

2. Library is Useless
Books are outdated the day they're published! The only resource you'll ever need to complete a first class business/management assignment is a computer connected to the internet. Journals, Newspapers, Magazines, Lecture Slides, Google, Blogs etc give you brownie points. The more you use them, the better!

3. Loads of References
Most important! References make up the bridge between you and that First/Distinction grade you want it so bad. Ideally, depending on the field of topic, you should be able to connect each sentence with a reference in your written article. My Golden Rule: The number of references is directly proportional to the number of marks you'll get! (Tip: Use MS Word auto-referencing if referencing is not your stronghold)

4. Calculate & Commit
Calculate what's the absolute minimum you need to do to get a First. Depending on the university/faculty, your result may only represent the average of best 5-7 modules of your course. Identify them, work out the averages, and commit yourself to getting that 72 you need in 2nd assessment to balance out the first one or increase the average. (Chances are you might get some positive surprises from other modules too!)

In my opinion if the techniques above are followed, no matter whatever your skills/weaknesses are, you'll always get a positive feedback! Goes without saying that your content must be relevant, this applies only to written assignment submitted on time, which is what the tutor expects and is grammatically correct!

This is +Nauman Wasif - Tell me what you think....

Wednesday 8 May 2013

10 Ways to Succeed in Getting a Job

Tough job getting a job? Think you're just not worth it? Try this!

10 ways to make yourself worth something for employers to not let you walk out without a job!

1. Research:

Do your research about the organisation, the role and the person interviewing you. Don't be scared to look them up on the Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Blogger etc (trust me, they're doing the same!)

2. Dress Smart:

No matter if it's the corner shop you're going to interview for, over-dressing is never a problem. Employers and recruiters like to think they're worth all this effort! Also, carry a folder to the interview, just how you would do if you were already working there!

3. Share your Achievements:

Brag, brag and brag! Try to make their jobs easier by giving them reasons why they should hire you? Don't forget, they might have to report their findings or justify their decision further up their management.

4. Make Yourself Accessible

Establish your presence online, preferably on public platforms. Yes! Twitter, Blogger, LinkedIn, even SoundCloud are all worth spending your time on, as you want to be among the first 3-4 results if searched online! Make sure they like what they see!

5. Think Outside the Box

CV is not the problem, thinking is! Instead of giving them a paper full of educational achievements with no work experience, tell them the reason why they should hire you and give them evidence, may it be a couple of brilliant academic articles you wrote or something else you created! (Warning: Larger organisations may not be impressed by this, so keep a standard CV as well!)

6. Be Practical

Follow your dreams, but don't end up chasing them. If you're not eligible for it, for any reason, don't bother!

7. Be Certified

Eligibility is key! No matter whatever you want to do, if there's a course, certification or license associated with it (even if not required!), get it! Can be exhausting, but worth it for an easy ride!

8. Be Flexible

In this hyper competitive environment, you afford to be fussy, if you think you're unable to relocate or change your routine for a particular role, try looking elsewhere. If you're in high demand, you may be able to negotiate, but initially, you can't dictate!

9. Enthusiasm

Even if you don't know if you want it or not, tell them they'll go global in next 5 years, and you want to be part of that! Don't forget, employers are actually there to buy you, show them what they'll get for their dosh! Do them a favour, go after something you'll love doing!


Good Luck!

This is +Nauman Wasif. Tell me what you think?

Thursday 25 April 2013

Work Life Balance: Where's the Balance?

“A true balance between work and life comes with knowing that your life activities are integrated, not separated.” - Michael Thomas Sunnarborg
Organisations today have almost overpowered individuals to such an extent, that people are having to live their life between work. A typical day for an individual, lucky enough to be employed, would consist of 8 hours work, 2 hours commute and 6-8 hours sleep, leaving about 4-6 hours of life.

So where's the balance?

Working 8 hours per day to hardly fund 4 hours of life, and then you say 8 hour days no longer exist, thanks to information technology. While you may argue, organisations now have a menu style work-life balance initiatives from annual leave to spa packages, in my opinion, that is not work-life balance.

Corporate Work-Life Balance

Oh I am not feeling well today, is it okay to skip work today or go to the office for half day without having to go through sickness absence administration?
Darn it, I forgot it was my niece's birthday this friday, can I just finish work early, without having to call three line managers to authorise it?
Just got an offer of tickets for United's game next tuesday, but damn can I have a day off without having to give at least 3 week notice to the employer?!!

That is not a solution. It's merely a corporate dictatorship, instructing you the first time you can have a lazy day at home won't be until next three weeks given that you submit holiday request form today. How about I ask the employer where the organisation will be in next three weeks? It won't have a clue!

Understand and Empower

Organisations, and specially managers, must understand the essence of work-life balance and flexibility in the workplace. Employees must be encouraged to manage their lives the way they feel will give out the best performance. Even the drivers in Formula 1 racing need to replace there tyres 3-4 times to get the best out of them, all before they wear off!

Work life balance, in my opinion, is the power which should be granted to employees to control their work as well as their personal life. It's not work-life balance if the employer dictates when and for how long you can go on a camping holiday!

We have come a long way from rigid working patterns and fixed terms of employment, but now steps must be taken in the right direction to integrate the information technology with work, preferably, for the good of the people.

Lively People. Lively Organisation.

This is Nauman Wasif

Friday 12 April 2013


"Relevance is a search engine's holy grail. People want results that are closely connected to their queries" - Marc Ostrofsky  

Like every organisation's strategy of employing people who align with the goals of the organisation, or can become part of the corporate culture, an individual must also think and communicate strategically to create excellent long lasting connections. Optimization (or more specifically, search engine optimization) is the newest trick in the market. Everyone wants to be number 1 on Google  searches, businesses are investing millions to buy keywords and searches where they can just be visible to customers looking to solve a problem.  

While some want to buy their way in, others are looking for what people are searching, so they can optimize their content in a way that they can be the first one on the search results. In my opinion, that is in no way different then forcing to make a connection with someone, who may actually buy your services and create value for you. 

Optimize what you say

On the other hand, if you've optimized content, or authentic relevant connections, people will come straight to you with their problems without looking anywhere. That is, what having a quality connection ensures! 

Individuals, like businesses, must optimize what they communicate with people. How? By being relevant, honest and understanding what the other person is really interested in whilst demonstrating what you can do for them and constructing valuable links with people who will introduce you to other valuable connections seeking what you've got to offer. 

Despite the documented benefits of having social media connections and the widespread use of them (especially by students and teenagers), nobody is moving forward in their life. It's not getting them job offers, contracts, projects, sponsorship, advertising revenue etc, just because their in no quality in their content (or even connections). On the other hand, some bright (others may say lucky) students do however succeed in taking their career aspirations forward using their social capital and by creating strong links with people who can engage with then to create value.

Conclusively, whatever you do, focus, commit and do the best you can, because quality is paramount to value generation, and if you happen to be someone with good personality traits and optimum communication skills, guess what, you've just hit a jackpot!

This is +Nauman Wasif....tell me what you think!

Thursday 11 April 2013


"Eventually everything connects - people, ideas, objects. The quality of the connections is the key to quality per se" - Charles Eames 
There's no doubt the sustainability of wealth of an individual or a business can be judged with the number of quality connections it possesses. No matter whatever you've achieved sitting inside a laboratory or writing a thesis, it accounts for nothing without connections. To get your product, brand, personality and even ideas, you need to have links and networks within which you can operate and further your interests.

Connections are the most important thing nowadays due to a widespread understanding of the unpredictable and unreliable nature of business environment, however what people can rely on is the connections they create with human beings along the way, because believe it or not, they're the ones running your business, they are the ones running ANY business. People have transactions with people to fulfill a need, people deal with people to make things happen and that is what basically business is! People have to connect with people to carry out an activity to enhance value and create a profit. That's how every big business started off, may it be KFC , +PepsiCo  or Facebook.

Optimize your connections

However, what you must not forget is the quality of connections you make, because having weak links would only see you getting left out or achieving a very little return on your social capital. Quality in connections can include a number of things within your sphere of work, social circle or personal lifestyle, but the most common things among all of them would be RELEVANCE. 

See next blog 'Optimise' to find out how you can make your connections relevant and effective.

Connect with me on twitter @naumanwh 

This is +Nauman Wasif - Tell me what you think!