Wednesday 10 April 2013

University of Today

"There is no greater delight than to be conscious of sincerity on self-examination" - Mencius 

This is actually a continuation of my previous blog, however I feel what I am going to talk about is already practiced in at a very micro level in some universities therefore University of Today seems a more appropriate title.

Don't just type it, Publish it!

What's the problem now?

This is an attack on academia's love for assignments and examinations at every level of student life. While I would agree that this has been established as one of the best ways to test a pupil's commitment and understanding of theoretical concepts bulldozed all over the year, in a bigger picture, they account for nothing except sitting in a faculty's drawer or hard drive.

The amount of research and hard work students have to put into each and every piece of assessment, must contribute to something of substance, which should be a long lasting legacy for the world to witness. How can ONE person be given responsibility to assess a work of an individual who has put hours and days into a written project or examination, only to give it a number and lose it forever in someone's cabinet!

The grade given is a mere disillusion of what an individual is capable of, and it could easily be proven by the number of top graduates without jobs as opposed to failures or borderline individuals taking better care of their lives by starting huge things. Having said that, the lecturers and members of administrative staff dread the deadlines as much as students, as it leads to lumps of checking, feedback, administration and paperwork, something which is not very welcome in anybody's busy schedule in these times!

The solution to this system? Let the World decide!

I believe, looking at the way this world is moving forward, things must be transparent and creation should be encouraged. Students should be encouraged to create and produce, and assessments must be published online and assessed by the general public.

The advantages to this approach will be greater transparency, increased motivation to produce higher quality, portfolio creation for future graduates, evidence of capabilities and much honest feedback by the general public. Blogs, social interactions and quality of published work can be assessed much better by the people who need that information most, instead of people who possess it. It will give students a better analysis of what they are worth and how rewarding it is to focus, commit and produce quality in whatever you do, whilst providing them with skills and motivation to be the best!

This is +Nauman Wasif  - What do you think?


  1. Despite the fact that I agree with your subject on how to preserve one's hard work instead it going to the storage and be forgotten, I am not completely agreed on the suggestion of the solution. Since life has become too busy, public do not wish to present serious verdict on one's work, especially on social media. The work should be analyzed by the people who are actually working in that field and give feedback with how applicable one's project is and grading accordingly.

    1. I agree with that, however my point was that assessments should be graded by how well the theory is applied, instead of analysed, and once it's applied to a project (like I proposed in my previous blog), the results can easily be tracked.

      On the other hand, I believe students must be encouraged to solve a problem, in an accessible and targeted way, therefore getting your point across to the 'relevant' general public and getting response is the responsibility of content writer nowadays, just what every other organisation is trying to do at the moment, isn't it!
